Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 11:29:00 PST


Subject: Re: 2 pl

Hmm, relying on individual faulty memory, I do agree that it seems you-all

is used in more formal situations when addressing superiors or Yankees or

other unaccustomed to the phrase. (Addressing superiors who are Yankees

might call for dropping it altogether.) Y'all is reserved for those

well-versed in southern-speak and is quicker, more informal and perhaps

what one would refer to as country. I feel foolish using either when

actually writing a letter -- yet I do it, because "you" so fails to convey

the plural.. You-all is more acceptable in letter form (particularly when

writing Yankees).


From: ADS-L

To: Multiple recipients of list ADS-L

Subject: Re: 2 pl

Date: Tuesday, January 24, 1995 10:06AM

all unawares, just as I find myself using you guys. Natalie, over the


few weeks, I'll listen for when any of us shift and for whether I pick up

any differences between y'all and youall when used.

Thanks. I've definitely decided to do at least a smallish research project

on this topic and will appreciate all references and data sent my way.

(originally I am from Dennis' region, and agree with his analysis, so

you may want to cite this as Collective Faulty Memory)

Allan, do you think ADS in Chicago next December will accept a paper based

entirely on Collective Faulty Memory? Surely that's more convincing that

Individual Faulty Memory. Or should I perhaps not list my sources in the

abstract? (Then again, it's awfully cold in Chicago in late December...)

--Natalie (maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]