Date: Thu, 26 Jan 1995 18:12:30 -0600
Subject: TV and dialect
Sorry to take some time getting back to some replies on my comments on TV and
dialects that came over the net a couple of days ago.
Four people made comments on my statements regarding loanwords in the
Caribbean creoles, Cajun French, and Gullah. These people were Tim Frazer, MaikGibson, Peter Patrick, and Mike Picone. My message was inspired by Tim F's
message on TV and it's influence on dialects.
In response to Tim's reply, I wouldn't say that there is an NBC Handbook of
Pronunciation, but the national (ABC, CBS, NBC) and international (CNN) channels
do have a certain kind influence over all regional dialects in the US with
regard to uncommon words (especially place names) that are used almost
exclusively on such channels. After having spent 5 years in Europe, I came
back to the States surprised to find that the local news channels really do
cover local news and hardly go beyond that. My wife was astonished that she
could never find much about anything in the world until we got cable TV. As
certain place names (Rwanda for example) are pretty much pronounced more or
less on the national and international channels by the same people, there may
be a tendency for those people living in the States and who watch the news on
these channels to adopt the pronunciation of this world with a labialized
central approximant [Rw] rather than producing a form that conforms more
appropriately to the phonotactics of their regional dialect [Ruw] or [REw]
(the E being a schwa) for example. This is highly debatable, but I think that
the national and international news channels do provide some lexical items
that can have a minor phonetic effect on the regional dialect. I emphasize
phonetic here and not phonological as the influence may not spread to other
established words in the English variety spoken in the area; the phonetic
influence remains with the loanwords. I believe this is also a response to
Maik's reply.
Peter brought up the idea that face-to-face contact would have a higher
percentage of influence than TV in such contexts. With respect to the very
specific lexical items (ie place names) that would come over the channels, the
probability of someone using these words in everyday conversations would be
low, but the knowledge of the pronunciation would have been gathered from the
news media that treats international news. In the case where people do use
such words in discussions, I would speculate that these could either be (1) an
initiation to the pronunciation of the word; or (2) a reinforcement of the
pronunciation of the word as it has already been introduced on TV. To what
point this "web of inroads" (Mike Picone's statement) could be distinguished
between face-to-face contact and TV, and then be measured, I cannot answer
that question. All I can say is that there may be some influence, specifically
lexical with some phonetic input, that comes from national and international
mass media which may not be transmitted on a more local level either by the
media or by personal contact.
Peter also mentioned that in the contexts mentioned (St. Lucia in the Caribbean,
Sea Island Gullah off the coast of Georgia, and Louisiana Cajun) that the
speakers of the varieties are in daily contact with English speakers. I can
speak for both St. Lucia and Dominica in the Caribbean as my research over the
last few years have centered around them. In the capital cities of St. Luciad Dominica, Castries and Roseau respectively, it is true that the use of English
is higher than that of the outlying regions in the countryside. Parents are
using more English in the home, but the the children are not a homogeneous
group at school. I discussed in my Mai^trise/MA thesis a few years ago due to
a statement that in Castries the children that arrive at school are either (1)
competent in the local variety of St. Lucian English; (2) incapable of speaking
in English at all; or (3) speak a mixed up variety of French Creole and English
varieties (David Frank, personal communication May 22, 1992). This is in the
capital of the country and David Frank has worked there for nearly 10 years on
linguistic issues. French Creole is actively used in the majority of rural
contexts in St. Lucia and even more so in Dominica with its enclaves of
communities that speak French Creole more than English at times. I was
surprised to discover this in interviews with Dominicans and St. Lucians in
England a couple of years of ago for doctoral research.
As for the influence of American English on these two islands, there are some
tourists, but not as many Americans as Europeans. However, American soap
operas and TV shows bombard the homes of St. Lucians and Dominicans as my
informants told me, and by this the islanders take the American terms more than
British variants. The example I had was of TV that is used on both of these
islands and in Trinidad. TV is pronounced [tivi] which may be either a direct
or indirect Americanism as my experience with British speakers, those being
relatives, colleagues and friends, is that [tElE] is more widespread among the
older generations and [tivi] among the younger ones. Can this be a case of
an American term infiltrating British culture as Maik Gibson replied? I'm not
sure, but it would be good to investigate. If this is so, then TV can have an
effect, though small, on speakers of St. Lucian and Dominican French Creoles as
the British variant more popular for TV would have been [tEle] up through
St. Lucian and Dominican independence in 1979 and 1978 respectively. I would
think that American TV program(me)s had a substantial increase in broadcasting
to the islands in the 70s,80s and 90s. This does not explain significant
changes in language, but it may address small issues of influence on dialects.
Lastly, I would like to address Mike Picone's well discussed point of Cajun F French decline in Louisiana. I believe that his thoughts are deal with a lot
of the complex issues involved here. Although it may be difficult to say that
English on TV has had much of an influence on the French Cajun/Creole speakers
of the region, I believe that mass media for the promotion of French has been
influential. The organization CODOFIL (sorry I can't remember what this
acronym stands for as I don't have any of my research documentation here at
work) has done a lot for the promotion of French in Louisiana over the past 10
to 20 years. However, it is important to note that the French that has been
promoted is mainly the variety that is spoken in Europe (France, Belgian) and
in Canada. I realize that there are subvariety issues at play here, but I
don't want to go into that here. CODOFIL brought over language teachers and
assistants from these foreign countries to Louisiana to re-integrate the French
influence into the region. The problem was that there is a signifcant difference, between these Standard French varieties and that of Cajun French and French
Creole, and this is at phonological and morphosyntactic levels. The classic
example is the child who comes home from school where she is learning French to
tell her grandmother that the window is a "fene^tre" while her Cajun or Creole
French speaking grandmother (who thinks that she herself speaks standard French)
says that this is not true because the window is a "chassis" (I may be a little
off on the form of this word as again I don't have any of my reference books &
articles here at work). It is true that this is at a face-to-face level, but
CODOFIL did do some mass media work, especially on the radio, and maybe on TV.
In such a case, the influence, whether positive or negative, of Standard French
efforts made by CODOFIL on the Cajun and Creole French speaking region did
happen at some level through the mass media. Again, to what extent this can be
measured with respect to personal contact, I don't know.
I don't have answers to all of your thoughtful responses, but it has given me
some ideas to think about myself with regard to the influence of TV on dialects.
Any other comments?
Jeff Allen
CTE Trainer - Caterpillar Inc.