Date: Tue, 31 Jan 1995 17:18:52 -0600
From: "Timothy C. Frazer" mftcf[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UXA.ECN.BGU.EDU
Subject: Re: Boston accent
On Tue, 31 Jan 1995, Donald M. Lance wrote:
Yes, Phil the Italian was from the North End in "American Tongues," but
there were also interviews with speakers from South Boston (this would've
been the Irish speaker) and from Dorchester. In the original version,
about 65 minutes in length, there were more Bostonians, the whole set
of speakers that are shown in the checkerboard montage near the end. The
55-minute version cut out the 'brahmin' speakers, whose dulcet tones can
be distinguished in that final montage. Anyone looking for "the" Boston
accent is not gonna find it
Huh? The version I use has the two brahmins sitting in a library arguing
about Dickens and jane Austen.