Date: Tue, 9 Jan 1996 14:59:41 -0600

From: Miriam Meyers mmeyers[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]MSUS1.MSUS.EDU

Subject: Re: 'old maid'

Yes. I never heard it growing up in the South (Atlanta), or even on the

east coast, though it may have been present in my northerly east coast

homes. I learned it here (Minneapolis) from a friend whose parents hail

from Virginia and W. Virginia (though they may have picked it up elsewhere

in their movings about).

Miriam Meyers/Metropolitan State University/Mpls-St. Paul

Of the 23 students (juniors and seniors) in my Introduction to

Linguistics class at Auburn, only 1--a 24-year-old female from

Jacksonville, Florida (parents from Iowa and South Dakota)--was familiar

with 'old maid' in this context.

Cynthia Bernstein

Dept. of English

Auburn University, AL 36849-5203

On Fri, 5 Jan 1996, Joan Hall wrote:

DARE's anecdotal evidence suggests that the term 'old maid,' for an unpopped

kernel of popcorn, is chiefly North and North Midland. But we didn't ask

this on our Questionnaire, so we don't have nationwide coverage. Are you

familiar with this term? If so, when and where? Thanks in advance.

Joan Hall

Miriam Meyers

Metropolitan State University