Date: Thu, 11 Jan 1996 15:20:31 -0500
From: "Christopher R. Coolidge" ccoolidg[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]MOOSE.UVM.EDU
Subject: Re: Mousey Tongue
On Sat, 6 Jan 1996, SETH SKLAREY wrote:
Benjamin Barrett wrote:
This is what happened with the revision of Chinese names to reflect the
pinyin spelling system, too (Peking Beijing, etc). Inca Inka may be similar
to the duplicity of Celtic & Keltic (though I doubt the b-ball team will
ever change their spelling). Toukyou still remains Tokyo, though, Seattle
still remains Seattle (rather than Sealth), Roma remains Rome, and doubtless
many others will never change.
I was curious who were the powers that were who changed Khadaffi to Qadaffi
and Mao Tse Tun to whatever they changed it to. I tried to popularize it to
Kadaffy and Mousey Tongue and Sadamn Who'sinane but to no avail.
Seth Sklarey
Wittgenstein School of the Unwritten Word
Coconut Grove, FL
For that matter, Q: If followers of Marx Marxists, Lenin Leninists, and Mao
Maoists, what are followers of Idi Amin?
A: Idiots.