Date: Wed, 17 Jan 1996 10:18:02 -0500
From: Ronald Butters amspeech[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]ACPUB.DUKE.EDU
Subject: Re: Denny's question reformulated
The term FAMILY RESTAURANT (and all compounds of the form FAMILY [noun])
strike me as rather too "right-wing-politically-correct" in that the term
FAMILY has been
appropriated by ultra-right-wing propagandists who use it bash gays and
lesbians and artists with whom they disagree. I realize that FAMILY is
used as a kind of synonym for SIMPLE or UNSOPHISTICATED and also sometime
to convey the notion that children are welcome, but I tend to avoid
establishments that advertise themselves as FAMILY X because I feel
excluded unless I go in with my grandchildren. The chief characteristic
of fast-food restaurants is that they purvey fast food. So that is what I
call them: FAST-FOOD RESTAURANTS. If I want to include DENNYS and SHONIES
the like, I say CHAIN restaurants.