Date: Thu, 18 Jan 1996 23:20:44 -0500
From: Jeutonne Brewer brewerj[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]NR.INFI.NET
Subject: Re: The Rat Pack is a rodent lighter
In this context I think the Rat Pack refers to the group that included
Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., and Dean Martin. The Rat Pack is
another rodent lighter after the death of Dean Martin.
Here's a passage that's got me puzzled:
New Year's is a time to stand back and take stock (or divest, if you
happened to have bought shares of Caere Corp. in the past six months).
The Rat Pack is another rodent lighter, and luckless taxpayers are still
waiting for the gates to open at Yellowstone and the immigration office.
Could someone please tell me what's a rodent lighter?
* jpbrewer[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] *
* Department of English *
* University of North Carolina at Greensboro *
* Greensboro, NC 17412 *
* brewerj[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] *
* brewerj[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] *
* brewerj[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] *