Date: Fri, 19 Jan 1996 10:33:47 -0500
From: "Bethany K. Dumas" dumasb[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UTKUX.UTCC.UTK.EDU
Subject: X come Y
Twice recently on email lists, I have seen the construction "X come Y"
where I would have expected "X cum Y." The most recent example comes from
Anglican: "the simple Galilean handyman come preacher." When I queried
the first author about his use of "come" instead of "cum" he said that he
thought that "cum" triggered sexual connotations (ejaculate) that the
spelling "come" did not and that he used the spelling "come" for that
reason. (I think the author was a Canadian--I'll check my files to be
The second author (of the above example) is an Anglican priest in
Australia. I have queried him, but have not had a response yet.
I have 2 questions:
1. Is this apparent Anglicization usual and customary? I don't recall
seeing it beore seeing these two examples.
2. Is the Anglicization widespread through the English-speaking world?
Bethany K. Dumas, J.D., Ph.D. | Applied Linguistics, Language & Law
Dep't of English, UT, Knoxville | EMAIL: dumasb[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
415 McClung Tower | (423) 974-6965 | FAX (423) 974-6926
Knoxville, TN 37996-0430 | See Webpage at