Date: Wed, 24 Jan 1996 17:53:07 -0800
From: "James Arthurs, Linguistics [AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] UVic." jarthurs[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UVIC.CA
Subject: Re: out in left field
The WORST player was always put in right field, not left. Right field is
the position which receives the fewest balls in play, as it is primarily
left-handed batters who hit in that direction, and the ball must also get
past the infield for the right-fielder to have a chance at misplaying the
ball. I know. I spent a lot of time "out in right field." THAT phrase's
meaning is very different for me from "out in left field."
Greg Pulliam
Illinois Institute of Technology
I, a native non-American, am puzzled.
I have followed this thread re. "(from) out in left field" and note that
the discussion (cf. above) turns mostly on the notion of the calibre of
the player who is "(out) in left field".
As one who played cricket rather than baseball, I can assure you that
baseball's "playing in left field" has much in common with cricket's
"playing on the boundary", i.e. each means being off in the distance,
hence well away from the focus of the action and thus, in the case of the
U.S. metaphor - as I understand it, anyway, out of touch and/or irrelevant.
It seems to me that characterising the player is not the point here and
that thinking otherwise is precisely what has led to the (surely irrelevant)
discussion of "left" versus "right" and of left-handed hitters and so on.
More to the point, the very use of the word "out" seems to me to be unmotivated
here, unless the metaphor turns on the notion of
distance/separation/irrelevance etc.
Now, finally and irrelevantly, I should point out that in cricket as in
it is very often the duffer who is exiled to the furthest boubdary, to keep him
- and so, with luck, the rest of the team - out of trouble.
I know - I've been there!