Date: Mon, 29 Jan 1996 13:28:46 -0400
From: "Bethany K. Dumas, U of Tennessee" dumasb[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UTKVX.UTK.EDU
Subject: Re: whoop
On Mon, 29 Jan 1996, Dale F.Coye wrote:
In a paper I'm working on, I discuss the pronunciation of whoop and find to
my amazement that I pronounce it three different ways depending on context.
1.War whoop /hup/, vowel as in food
2.They whooped it up /wUpt/, vowel as in look.
3.She gave a whoop /wup/ as in food
4. whooping cough I could say all three in addition to /hUp/.
I'd like to find out if this is generally the case and would appreciate your
comments and personal usage.
My practice:
1. /hup/ for me too
2. I'm with Dennis Preston here -- /whUp/
3. /hup/
4. /hUp/ only
Bethany K. Dumas, J.D., Ph.D. | Applied Linguistics, Language & Law
Dep't of English, UT, Knoxville | EMAIL: dumasb[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
415 McClung Tower | (423) 974-6965 | FAX (423) 974-6926
Knoxville, TN 37996-0430 | See Webpage at