End of ADS-L Digest - 28 Jan 1996 to 29 Jan 1996
There are 25 messages totalling 573 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. hella hawkin'
2. whoop (3)
3. expressions
4. why are ships referred to as she (fwd) (6)
5. carry & tote -- Hop on! (2)
6. cheap folks
7. whoop(s) (2)
8. carried my cousin to the store
9. Fwd: Re(2): whoop
10. why are ships referred to as she (fwd) -Reply
11. Bounced Mail
12. A whipping/whupping (2)
13. why are ships referr
14. "street arab"
15. why are ships referred to as she (f