Date: Wed, 8 Jan 1997 07:45:04 -0500
From: "Barry A. Popik" Bapopik[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]AOL.COM
Subject: POTY: "Show me the money!!"
Perhaps Peter Jennings wants POTY--Phrase of the Year?
The back page of the 7 January 1997 New York Post (sports section) shows
New York Knicks center Patrick Ewing (a free agent at year's end) and a catch
phrase from the Tom Cruise movie about sports agents, JERRY MAGUIRE:
I have and will discuss "I'm from Missouri--Show Me!" and the new,
multi-media tourist ripoff "Show Me New York" that opened on the block next
to me (East 58th Street, next to the Four Seasons Hotel).
This POTY, however, need not be restricted to sports.
One can just imagine some Asian arms dealer romping naked in the
Lincoln bedroom in the Clintstone White House being said this. What better
phrase for Hillary, Bill, Newt & Co.? I really like this one.