Date: Wed, 8 Jan 1997 23:44:34 -0800
From: "Thomas L. Clark" tlc[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]NEVADA.EDU
Subject: hoopy
Don Lance's memory or hoopty in the fifties reminds me that when I was
doing fieldwork for DARE in 1966, I heard this term several times. It
seemed always to occur between Steubenville OH and Marietta OH and in
Parkersburg West Virginia. It referred to folks from down in the hills
who came upriver to the glass plants along with the shipments of hoops
used for barrels by glass manufacturers. Many of these people wound up
around Akron and environs. It was pejorative, like redneck or cracker.
Thomas L. Clark
Department of English
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Las Vegas NV 89154-5011
tlc[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] 702/895-3473 FAX 702/895-4801