Date: Thu, 9 Jan 1997 11:18:29 +0000
From: Duane Campbell dcamp[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]EPIX.NET
Subject: Re: horked off
George Donahue wrote:
The term "horked off" is new to me. Anyone else know it? (I don't have
DARE here.)
I've heard "hork" used often in Northwest Florida and southern Alabama,
especially among Cajun commercial fishermen along the Gulf Coast, to mean "to
Dave Bary wrote a very funny piece about dinner time around the Barry
table. The dog saw sitting down at the table as a signal to begin makine
loud horking sounds. Anyone who has a dog knows this sound. It is not
vomiting, but rather a precurser to vomiting.
Duane Campbell
When I die and go to Hell, at least I can keep my same ISP