Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 10:47:10 -0500
Subject: "I vas dere"
Thomas Creswell creswell[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]CROWN.NET
I remember a radio program in the 30's featuring "Baron Munchausen"-- an inspired liar. When
his interlocutor, Charley,
expressed doubt about one of his tales, the Baron would always say," Vas you dere, Charley?"
I've seen this question in print, used in the same way -- to answer a doubter's challenge to a story.
I *think* that I saw it
as "... Sharley?", but I'm not sure. The line occurred in dialogue, and I believe it was in
quotes-within-quotes --
" 'Vas you dere, Sharley?' " --
to show that the speaker was consciously using a quotation.
I have a strong feeling that the author was Robert A. Heinlein, who could very well have been a
fan of the radio
program, and the book may have been _The Number of the Beast_. My impulse is to, when I get
home tonight, grab it and
sit down to find the quotation, but I have done MUCH TOO MUCH of that lately (especially with
Steven K.Z. Brust's
"Dragaera" books*), and I know I'd damn well better not. (The book is 500 pages and would
keep me up till 3 am if I let
Mark A. Mandel : Senior Linguist : mark[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
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