End of ADS-L Digest - 12 Jan 1998 to 13 Jan 1998
Subject: ADS-L Digest - 13 Jan 1998 to 14 Jan 1998
There are 16 messages totalling 796 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. A question of the use of "or".
2. Fan
3. Charley Horse
4. Sporting Life gaps
5. Windy City
6. Bunt; Circus catch; Ladies' day
7. "level the playing field" (2)
8. Very TAN--Giving Finger
9. RE Very TAN--Giving Finger (2)
10. skell yet again (3)
11. Ebert and anachronism
12. H-AFRO-AM on African-American studies (fwd)