Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 12:24:52 -0500
From: Alan Baragona baragonasa[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]VAX.VMI.EDU
Subject: Re: love that won't shut up
In his autobiography "My Name Escapes Me," Alec Guinness talks about
going to a play with gay themes and refers to (this is not an exact
quotation but it's close) "The love that insists on speaking its name
all the time." Whether "the love that won't shut up" is an inelegant
variation on that or Guinness had that phrase in mind and polished it or
the two phrases are independent I don't know.
Boyd Davis wrote:
love that will not speak its name part was in last stanza of poem published
in undergrad poetry journal by Oscar Wilde's lover; currently part of the
script of Gross Indecency playing off-Broadway. The 'and now won't shut up'
part is new to me