Dickson has "squeeze play" from 1907's DICK MERRIWELL'S MAGNETISM. This
is from SPORTING LIFE, 11 May 1907, pg. 1, cols. 2-3:
Is the Latest Alleged Play in Ball Which
Elberfeld and CHase, of the Yankees,
Are Said to Have Invented.
From New York comes a tale of a new play invented by Elberfeld and Chase,
of the New York Americans. It is called the "double squeeze," and is thus
The "double-squeeze" play invented by Chase and Elberfeld, is even more
spectacular than its sensational precedessor (sic). They tried the new play
in the game of April 20, and but for the fact that Elberfeld stumbled and fell
on the base line both men would have scored on the out. Imagine what ball
players 20 years ago would have said if such a play had been even suggested!
For one runner to score on an infield out is hard enough, but for two to do so
seems physically impossible. They are going to do it this summer, just the
When the play was introduced Elberfeld was on second and Chase was pacing
up and down at third. Williams, who was at bat, got a signal for the
"squeeze" play, and he very accurately bunted toward third. Elberfeld had the
signal to start from second with the pitcher's swing. By the time the ball
was pitched Chase was within 10 feet of the plate and Elberfeld had shot past
third like a deer. Of course, Chase scored. Elberfeld stumbled when he was
half way and fell, or he would certainly have crossed the plate, while Collins
threw out Williams. Even at that he got to his feet quickly enough to get
back to third and be safe. It was a daring attempt, and it is a play which
requires daring men to execute.
It is very rare that the "squeeze" play is tried when there are runners on
both third and second. It is usually attempted when one man is on the bases
and only one run is needed. When two mean are on bases it is usual to wait
for a hit or long fly. The "double squeeze," but for the accident to
Elberfeld, would have done practically the same work as a single--scored two