Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 23:20:07 -0500
From: Gregory {Greg} Downing downingg[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]IS2.NYU.EDU
Subject: Kow-tow (Was Re: cow-tow?)
That's a word I'll never forget.... When I was a grad student I taught vocab
etc. for some Chinese-American high-school students in Queens over the
summer one year, when they were preparing for the SAT. One word that was in
the book I was given to teach from was kow-tow, which they were at first
surprised to hear was from a version of Chinese for "knock/bump head" (on
the ground, in a submissive bow). Then some of then said, O yeah, that's
right, we know that phrase in Chinese....
It's not particularly US; OED2 cites it from the first half of the 19C, and
those are UK cites.
Greg D./NYU
At 06:25 PM 1/23/98 -0800, you wrote:
I was asked today how to spell "cow-tow" and I couldn't find it in RHDAS or
NDAS . . . probably
because I couldn't spell it. I tried several possibilities without success
(with a vague
recollection that it might be spelled with a k). Does anybody know?
Judi Sanders
Dr. Judi Sanders
Professor, Communication
Cal. State Polytechnic U., Pomona
The Web:
The College Slang Page:
Greg Downing/NYU, at greg.downing[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] or downingg[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]