Date: Sun, 4 Jan 1998 08:59:24 -0500
From: Laurence Horn laurence.horn[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]YALE.EDU
Subject: Re: Podunk
This is to confirm the assertion in the initial post:
In response to Frank Abate's posting of evidence regarding Podunk-qua-place
| Let me weigh in with some evidence on Podunk:
| In CT, aside from a P River, there is a P Pond, and I have first-hand
| knowledge of a residential part of a shoreline town, Guilford (S of
| Hartford about 35 miles), which uses this name. There is a P Road in
| Guilford.
Could you give an indication of where in Guilford? My Champion map of New
Haven County (c. 10 years old) doesn't list Podunk Road (or any other name
containing Podunk) in its index, which does list some *very* minimal looking
roads in Guilford.
Alice Faber
MY map (New Haven Citimap available from the AAA) has Podunk Road traveling
north-south (and vice versa) in the eastern reaches of Guilford, extending
for c. 2 1/2 miles just this side of Madison (into which it wanders at its
far northern point). It doesn't make it as far south as I-95 or as far
north as Route 80, but that's the area. I take the nonce spelling as
"Poduck" to be a scribal error on the part of the mapmaker.