In the same article, the Asbury Park Daily Press, 11 November 1899, pg. 3,
col. 3:
I like that kind of a show better than one of these society plays where a
bunch o' swell geezers in dress suits come in an' put on a lot o' hot dog an'
don't do nothin' but talk.
About a week earlier, the Asbury Park Daily Press, 3 November 1899, pg.
3, col. 1, there is a drawing of a swell. The caption is "HOT GARMENTS."
About a week later, the Asbury Park Daily Press, 17 November 1899, pg. 3, col
Whenever he thinks the's just as good as these mugs that wear high
collars an' put on dog all he wants to do is to go up an' call on 'em some
evening an' see how quick they'll rush him into the parlor an' take his