Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 13:59:55 -0500
From: Larry Horn laurence.horn[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]YALE.EDU
Subject: Re: All-America teams
Beverly Flanigan wrote,
"I vas dere, Charley"--wow, that's a real oldie, one my mother (b.
1906) used. Note that she, a Minnesotan, always said 'vas,' not 'was,'
and the 's' was unvoiced. (She was obviously imitating a phrase she'd
heard, but where did it come from?)
Actually, I only realized after reading my posted message that I had typed
"was" rather than the obviously correct "vas", which my mind's ear somehow
hears as an unstressed "fuss", German-style. And if anything the
second-person interrogative is (or was) even more frequent: "Vas [fuss]
you dere, Charley?"
Larry (not a native speaker of the relevant dialect, but a native hearer of
the expression)