Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1993 15:39:00 CDT From: Beth Lee Simon Subject: names of owls does anyone know the quibbling owl? the quivering owl? the quinch owl, the last, my informant says, is about a pound, pound and a half, ? thanks beth simon at DARE blsimon[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] and about what does an owl quibble? quinch owl is a screech owl, but do you know it as quinch? Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1993 10:45:38 EST From: Ellen Johnson Subject: Re: names of owls Hans Kurath, in his headnote to the file for `screech owl' in the Ling. Atlas of the Middle and South Atlantic States gives the following summary: The more common terms for the small horned screeching owl are: screech owl (widespread), scrich owl (common in eastern VA and parts of NC), scrooch owl (mostly in DE, the Eastern Shore, and the greater part of NC), and shivering owl (in eastern NC). Less common terms, many of them variants of the above, are: creech owl, screek owl, scrinch owl, squeech owl, squich owl, squeak owl, squinch owl, squint owl, scroonch owl, scooch owl, scruch owl, winnering owl(in NJ), quivering owl, shivel(ing) owl, freezling owl, freezing owl, chill owl, death owl, little owl, less owl. Two speakers who used the term quivering owl are in Cumberland and Salem Cos., NJ. Note: this list does not include terms for the larger 'hoot owl'. Ellen Johnson, atlas[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]uga Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1993 11:12:08 CST From: "Donald M. Lance" Subject: Re: names of owls When Faries collected Kurathian WG terms in Missouri in the 1960s, she got several terms for 'screech owl': shivering owl (K: S) 2, squinch owl (K: S) 1, scrich owl (K: S+SM) 21, squich owl (K: S+SM) 7, scrooch owl (K: S+SM) 20, whinnering owl (K: N+NM) 1. I don't have a handy guide to the part of the state where each occurred. The northern and western counties of MO are rather strongly N + NM and the Ozarks S + SM and the Bootheel more strongly S than the Ozarks. DMLance, U of MO Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1993 10:49:00 CST From: TB0EXC1%NIU.BITNET[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Subject: edgar Schneider's address Can anyone give me Edgar Schneider's new e-mail address? Edward Callary TB0EXC1[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]NIU Thanks Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1993 12:39:20 CST From: Natalie Maynor Subject: Re: edgar Schneider's address > Can anyone give me Edgar Schneider's new e-mail address? What new address? Has he moved from schneider[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] --Natalie (maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1993 23:14:03 CST From: Salikoko Mufwene Subject: Re: edgar Schneider's address Edgar Schneider was to move to Regensburg University by now. We should find out soon. Salikoko Mufwene (s-mufwene[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1993 08:20:20 EST From: Bill Kretzschmar Subject: Re: edgar Schneider's address Edgar Schneider does not yet have a new e-mail address. He moved to the University of Regensburg as of Jan. 1., and he thought it would take a little time before he was up and running again (I hope, Edgar, you will reply to this message and prove me wrong!). Unitl his e-mail is back up, his snail mail address is (add umlauts where req): Edgar Schneider Institut fur Anglistik Universitat Regensburg D-8400 Regensburg GERMANY Bill Kretzschmar 706-542-2246 University of Georgia FAX 706-542-2181 Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1993 09:41:31 CST From: Natalie Maynor Subject: Re: edgar Schneider's address > Edgar Schneider does not yet have a new e-mail address. He moved to the > University of Regensburg as of Jan. 1., and he thought it would take a little > time before he was up and running again (I hope, Edgar, you will reply to this > message and prove me wrong!). Mail to his old address isn't bouncing -- or at least not yet. Maybe he's telnetting to Berlin and reading it? Or maybe it's piling up waiting to be deleted? Or maybe he's having it forwarded to another address? --Natalie (maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1993 08:37:57 -0500 From: /S=SCHNEIDER/G=EDGAR/I=EWS./[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]PHILOLOGIE.FU-BERLIN.DBP.DE Subject: Address change Nice to see some people are interested in my whereabouts. The information which Bill gave (thanks!) is correct; since Jan. 1 I have a new job and a new address (snail-mail), which is (for those of you who know me): University of Regensburg Institut fur Anglistik Universitatsstr. 31 D-8400 Regensburg (Being a Southerner - in the German context -, I am happy to be back to Bavaria). As to e-mail, my old Berlin address is still active, as you can see, and will remain so for a few more months; however, I come to check the mailbox only about every other week. I`ll let you know when I am hooked up in R., But that will take some time. Edgar Schneider schneider(at) Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1993 11:17:57 EST From: ELLIOTTN[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UCS.INDIANA.EDU Subject: RE: Address change Does anyone know the email address of Thomas Murray? Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1993 12:02:00 CDT From: Beth Lee Simon Subject: cigarettes and friendship Is anyone familiar with 1. a "quinny"? 2. a friendship that might be called "quarter-to-nine"? thanks, beth simon at DARE blsimon[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1993 13:53:55 U From: Nancy Dray Subject: ADS-L/Indiana Dialects? Subject: Time:1:34 PM OFFICE MEMO ADS-L/Indiana Dialects? Date:1/20/93 Hi. I'm temporarily not on the ADS-List (too much in my in-box), but I would like to pass along a query. I now work in the News Office at the University of Chicago (yes, I'm still working on my degree, too). We received a call today from a woman seeking information about Indiana dialects. (She's also interested in Indiana traditions, demographics, etc.) She called here because she had heard about Raven McDavid's work on the Atlas project. Perhaps someone out there could help her or refer her to some good sources? Her name is Cindy Kyle, and her number is 313-547-1878. Although her project seems to have to do with marketing of some sort, she seems to be a genuine language buff who is taking a creative approach to her work and would like to learn more about dialectology not only for her job. Since I'm not subscribing to ADS-List right now, please drop me a note directly at my work address (nancy_dray[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] if you will be contacting her (so I'll know someone did) or if you would like to pass on any references or need more info. Thank you! and greetings... I'm sure I'll miss the list, but my other account is swamped in messages right now and I need some time to wade through them (and my work). Best wishes, Nancy L. Dray Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1993 11:31:18 -0700 From: letticia galindo Subject: Re: Temporary cancellation Want to be re-instated to receive ADS back....please continue and put me back in circulation.....thanks.....letticia galindo IDDLG[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]ASUACAD.bitnet Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1993 01:23:04 EST From: Al Futrell Subject: Hyphenation This might seem like an odd question, but here goes. Does anyone know what type of rule one uses to know whether 'wide' as a combining form should be hyphenated and when it should not? For example, I see that 'county-wide' is hyphenated, but 'worldwide' is not. Does anyone remember (know) whether AS or some other journal has treated the issue of hyphenation. (OK, I will search for it, but I thought I might tap this resource first. . . . .) Thanks. --- Al Futrell, awfutr01[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1993 08:05:08 -0700 From: Daniel Brink Subject: Re: Hyphenation You might look at a reference work by Alice Ball, published by Funk and Wagnalls called something like the hyphenation of compounds in English. It's pretty old--1950s. ========================================= Daniel Brink, Professor of English Arizona State University, Tempe 85287-0302 602/965-4182o 602/965-3168m 602/965-2012f 602/965-2679hcf Internet: ATDXB[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]ASUVM.INRE.ASU.EDU Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1993 21:34:29 -0800 From: "Thomas L. Clark" Subject: Re: Hyphenation Al, I remember that Tom Creswell was interested in hyphenation in the PADS publication _Usage in Dictionaries and Dictionaries of Usage_. Then he and Virginia McDavid did a study specifically of hyphenation. It may have shown up in AS. tlc Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1993 07:23:36 -0500 From: "David Bergdahl (614) 593-2783" I'm trying tp locate retired dialectologist Jerry Udell. If you have an address more recent than Marco Is FL please contact me at BERGDAHL[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] OUVAXA.CATS.OHIOU.EDU or the address on the header. Thanks. Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1993 19:13:36 CST From: ENGDL%MIZZOU1.BITNET[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Subject: GoldVarb & System 7 Does anyone know whether a "System 7 savvy" version of GoldVarb has been done? Specifically System 7.1? Are many of the ADS-L subscribers using GoldVarb, or have you found other options to serve your needs better? I mean options on, say,a Mac SE/30 with 8MB RAM & > 80MB HD space. Not mainframe options. DMLance .