End of ADS-L Digest - 13 Jan 1994 to 14 Jan 1994 ************************************************ There is one message totalling 22 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. consonantal /r/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 15 Jan 1994 00:34:50 -0700 From: Rudy Troike Subject: Re: consonantal /r/ Tim-- I hate to tell you it was 76 today, going down into the chilly 40s tonight! You know I empathize, though. You have a better ear than I for the velar:retroflex contrast. I used to regularly teach a course on phonetics, but always felt that these were two different ways to tune the oral cavity, producing essentially the same acoustic product, and might be randomly distributed in the population. Your observations re regional differentiation are interesting. I was thinking more of the strong consonantal postvocalic /r/ which is sometimes characterized as a "Scottish burr", which might vary from a trill to a brief apical closure. Clearly the vocalized /r/ is a relatively recent innovation in English history, as comparative Germanic evidence indicates, as well as internal evidence like metathesis and rhotacism. Stay warm. You can think of us next summer when it is 110 here. --Rudy Troike