Date: Wed, 19 Jan 1994 19:01:22 EST From: Allan Metcalf Subject: urgent call for information Help! Reporter for Wall St. Journal asked for information about makers of lists of condemned words. I thought of Lake Superior State College annual New Year's Dishonour List, and of NCTE Committee on Public Doublespeak; but are there others? (complete with addresses or phone numbers) I told him I 'd send him information tomorrow (Thurs 1/20) so anything you can sent tonight would be a he lp. I will check mail early Thurs 1/20 morning. Even after this urgent deadline, I wouldn't mind inf o, to be prepared for the future. The reporter wasn't mainly concentrating on this; he was m ost interested in our choosing "information superhighway" as word of the year; has already talked with Barnhart, will talk with Algeo. Thanks for your help & suggestions. - Allan Metcalf