Date: Sat, 29 Jan 1994 11:06:19 -0700 From: Rudy Troike Subject: Stereotyping of Accent on Film/TV The following note was received from one of my Anglo-Saxonist colleagues. I thought it might spark some reactions. I haven't thought about the matter, but maybe it's true. One tends to be more sensitive to stereotyping of one's own regional variety. Rudy Troike The mention of TV reminds me of this little thing (which might start a fierce debate on ADS-L): Last year some Brit groused in a letter to The Times (or the Evening Standard?) that in American telly and movie pro- ductions the bad guy, or the twit or whatever heavy, was the guy with the English accent. Being in England at the time, I dismissed this complaint as standard Brit whining about Yanks. Later, back in blighty USA, I started to take this complaint more seriously. I don't watch enough television--and I haven't gone to a cinema since the late 1970s--to be very scientific about all this, but I suss that the grousing Brit might be quite right. Carl Berkhout