End of ADS-L Digest - 4 Jan 1995 to 5 Jan 1995 ********************************************** There are 3 messages totalling 64 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. January Logs Now Available 2. that military rank 3. Laramie ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 6 Jan 1995 07:49:04 -0600 From: Natalie Maynor Subject: January Logs Now Available I just added directories to the ftp/gopher/www holdings with daily logs of the current month. In ftp it's pub/archives/ADS/List-Logs/Current. From gopher or the web, the directory should be easily findable via the menus. (Reminder: The ftp address is ftp.msstate.edu. The gopher address is gopher.msstate.edu. The WWW address is http://www.msstate.edu/ Archives/ADS/. If you want to leave off the /Archives/ADS/ at the end of that web address, you can find the ADS holdings by clicking on the "Other Resources" listing on the MSU home page.) Please let me know any time you happen to notice that our ftp/gopher/web holdings are not up to date. Sometimes I may be a day or two behind because of crises of various kinds, but it's also possible that I've simply forgotten something. I noticed a few days ago that I was a whole month behind in adding the November mail log to gopher. (This is my first experience with maintaining gopher files -- an experience not as pleasant as maintaining ftp and web files. Gopher is messy.) Your reminders if I've forgotten something or your suggestions for improvement are always welcome. --Natalie (maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]ra.msstate.edu)