Date: Sat, 7 Jan 1995 09:12:00 EST From: "Dennis.Preston" <22709MGR[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]MSU.EDU> Subject: Euphonizing (?) proper names I have no name for these nominal euphemisms, but I published a short note on the rise of the Uranus (YOURunus) pronunication over the (yourANus) form, for obvious reasons, in American Speech. I also recall that in a W.C. Fields film, I forgot which, he is Mr. Souse, but insists on its being pronounced sooSAY (again, for obvious reasons). Recall, too, that is argued (by Jespersen, I believe) that the drink-drank-drunk conjugation is leveled to drink-drank-drank to avoid the drunk form. Dennis Preston <22709mgr[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]>