End of ADS-L Digest - 9 Jan 1995 to 10 Jan 1995 *********************************************** There are 19 messages totalling 457 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Gullah Bible 2. Brick reality and language in cyberspace (4) 3. WOTY (2) 4. Gullah bible publishing info (3) 5. Brick reality and language i (3) 6. More Responses 7. mega-market 8. Put Downs 9. American Bible Society (Gullah bible) 10. German WOTY 11. Words of the Year ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 23:10:54 -0800 From: Dan Alford Subject: Re: Gullah Bible Peter Patrick writes: > It seems like this represents a new wave of Bible translation into (post-)creole languages-- this time not by outside missionaries, or not only (that goes back several centuries to Greenfield and the Herrnhut manuscripts) but by the speakers, for their own use. > I think you have (un?)wittingly stumbled on what some indigenous peoples are beginning to call post-colonial linguistics, which is their response to centuries of what they call 'cognitive imperialism' (or 'terrorism'). What does knowledge look like when it is not in the service of a dominant paradigm? These are the important issues that face modern scholars. How complicit are we in maintaining paradigms that are prejudiced against the teachings of indigenous people of the world, thus supporting this cognitive imperialism -- what, because they aren't 'scientific' and 'logical', notions only hundreds of years old, and are instead notions that are thousands of years old? I've recently mentioned in three different anthropology conferences, for instance, on hearing people talk about Native Americans praying to spirits of animals, etc., and then hearing them use the word 'supernatural' in the same breath group -- excuse me, that's what they call NATURAL, and we've moved so far away from what they do that we've developed a new word, SUPER- natural, to now describe that behavior (and being). -- Moonhawk (%->) <"The fool on the hill sees the sun going down and> <-- McCartney/Lennon>