Date: Wed, 11 Jan 1995 06:52:25 EST From: David Bergdahl Subject: WOTY Ohio University Electronic Communication Date: 11-Jan-1995 06:49am EST To: Remote Addressee ( _MX%"ADS-L[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UGA.CC.UGA.EDU ) From: David Bergdahl Dept: English BERGDAHL Tel No: (614) 593-2783 Subject: WOTY This may seem a simplistic answer to selecting the word of the year, but why not invite online votes (or snail-mail) from those forms appearing in the "Among New Words" column for the previous year? That way we avoid the shoot-from-the-holster method currently used. DAVID David Bergdahl Ohio University/Athens OH BERGDAHL[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]OUVAXA.CaTS.OHIOU.EDU "between Appalachia and the Midwest" Received: 11-Jan-1995 06:52am