Date: Tue, 17 Jan 1995 13:48:05 -0500 From: "Peter L. Patrick" Subject: Re: Animals and Energy I agree with Natalie. Sounds like Chaika is trying too hard to find a trace of an animacy/humanness distinction in this English usage. But "energy" comes from a neutral source, I think, on the question of humanness: Gr. ergon "work", energeia "active, effective" seems to apply equally well to animals or humans, and certainly predates Paul. "Animal" is from anemos "wind" --> anima "air, breath (of life)", therefore "soul", and also --> animus "spirit". I believe all living things were supposed to have it, at any rate before the Christians got into the act and loused things up for non-humans. This beats finishing my lecture schedule for Language and Social Life, I can tell you...