Date: Fri, 27 Jan 1995 16:53:56 -0600 From: "Timothy C. Frazer" Subject: Re: TV and dialect Responding to Jeff's interesting commentary on TV: when I mentioned the NBC Handbook on Pronunciation, I was referring to the publication which was used by the network to train radio speakers: The __NBC Handbook of Pronunciation___ compiled by james F. Bender (New York: 1943, 1951, 1964). Tom Donahue and William Van Riper both argue that this book, along with John Kenyon's work on pronunciation (including Webster's Second International) led to the spread of the rhotic Inland Northern dialect in radio and in films. (Old movie buffs will remember the r-less dialects in thirties movies. I have a tape of a 30s "Shadow" broadcast which is full of r-lessness). I'd like to get another thread going on the shift from a pseudo-British or upper-class NY dialect to Inland NOrthern around the time of WWII in the media, but that's too great a digression from where we are. Tim