Date: Sat, 28 Jan 1995 17:18:17 -0500 From: GURT[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]GUVAX.BITNET Subject: GURT 1995 - Preregistration notice GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY ROUND TABLE GURT 1995 Linguistics and the Education of Second Language Teachers: Ethnolinguistic, Psycholinguistic and Sociolinguistic Aspects MARCH 6 - 11, 1995 PRE-REGISTRATION DEADLINE February 4, 1995 (on-site rates apply thereafter) For more information contact Carolyn A. Straehle, GURT '95 Coordinator, Georgetown University School of Languages and Linguistics, 303 Intercultural Center, Washington, DC 20057-1067 email: gurt[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] tel: 202/687-5726 fax: 202/687-5712