Date: Sun, 29 Jan 1995 15:15:30 -0500 From: "Peter L. Patrick" Subject: Re: 2 pl This isn't "2pl", but it IS "pl"! I was fascinated to see in Dick Heaberlin's reply about "y'all" that he pluralizes /buku/ + /-z/. I've heard folks from Louisiana and SE Texas use /buku/ in English as a quantifier much as he does: "there are buku(z) of us" but I never noticed the inflection with plural /-z/ before-- is this a regular and usual thing in, what I guess we'd have to call, Cajun English? I've done a couple of studies of pluralization in Jamaican Creole, where mesolectal speakers (maybe everyone, in fact) often use English /-z/ and less often post-nominal /-dem/, and very occasionally even combine them in a double plural. So I'd be interested to know from you Cajun observers and others about this mixing of markjers from different systems... Is it restricted to pre-vocalic environments where, eg, /buku [AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]v [AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]s/ would sound odd? --peter