Date: Wed, 3 Jan 1996 09:51:14 -0500 From: Molly Dickmeyer Subject: Re: cyberia -Reply I like "cyberia"! Reading the _Phila. Inquirer,_ Tues, 1/2/96, pp C10, and came accross a WOTY for '96: "...Chard-Herring speculates that newspaper, magazine, and television reports about David Saltzman's brave battle against cancer have had an `Oprahfying' effect on the book, accelerating sales." Let's see if it catches on. Happy New Year, to those of you that celebrate it now. Molly dickmeye[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] >>> SETH SKLAREY 1/3/96, 08:02am >>> I came upon an interesting word: cyberia it was developed by Dr. Timothy Leary in an interesting discourse on evolution which begins at