Date: Fri, 5 Jan 1996 17:05:02 -0600 From: Cynthia Bernstein Subject: Re: 'old maid' Of the 23 students (juniors and seniors) in my Introduction to Linguistics class at Auburn, only 1--a 24-year-old female from Jacksonville, Florida (parents from Iowa and South Dakota)--was familiar with 'old maid' in this context. Cynthia Bernstein Dept. of English Auburn University, AL 36849-5203 On Fri, 5 Jan 1996, Joan Hall wrote: > DARE's anecdotal evidence suggests that the term 'old maid,' for an unpopped > kernel of popcorn, is chiefly North and North Midland. But we didn't ask > this on our Questionnaire, so we don't have nationwide coverage. Are you > familiar with this term? If so, when and where? Thanks in advance. > > Joan Hall >