Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 20:44:57 CST From: mlbroom[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]SAUMAG.EDU Subject: Re: Denny's, etc restaurants Benjamin, of course places like Berger King and Sonic I call fast food restaurants or probably just call them by their name: Let's go to Berger King. If we're driving and don't know what will be coming up and are looking for a general catagory I guess just "fast food". For Denny's (I think I wouldn't go there anymore because of their descrimination problems) but I'd probably say: "Let's look for something like Denny's" I would include Western Sizzlin' in this catagory of sort of sit down fast food places. A few months ago I wrote to you about my son who was in Japan. He has now gotten a job teaching English in a high school/jr. high. He is pretty excited about it. I am pretty worried (moms do that). One of his bosses is looking out for him though so I guess it will be ok. Thanks again for all the information you took the time to send me. I enjoy your postings on ads Marla