Date: Tue, 16 Jan 1996 07:47:36 -0700 From: Bruce Gelder Subject: an E-mail Some time ago we had a thread going about "an E-mail" vs. constructions like "an E-mail message." At the time I swore I'd never heard "an E-mail" used by itself, but since then I've heard it countless times. Since I haven't maintained any data on the usage of the expression, either before or since, I can't know for sure whether a) I'm noticing it because I'm more aware of it now, or b) the usage is actually becoming more prevalent in my speech community (I now hear "an E-mail" many times for every time I hear "an E-mail message"). However, I have noticed one thing about it that seems interesting to me: from what I've observed informally, those who use "an E-mail message" or a similar construction tend to be heavily involved with computers either in their employment or through surfing the net, and those who use "an E-mail" tend to be either computer outsiders or very casual users only. Has anyone else noticed a similar distribution? Bruce Gelder (bgelder[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]