Date: Wed, 17 Jan 1996 08:39:00 CST From: Tom Murray Subject: A Query Can anyone refer me to a discussion of the relative stability of dialect compon ents (phonology, morphology, lexicon) when speakers move to new dialect areas? For example, if someone from, say, Mobile, AL were to move to Duluth, MN, whic h aspects of the speaker's dialect would change quickest, and which would be mo st resistant to change? I realize that this question assumes the dialect will change, and also that the answer may depend on any number of psycho-social fact ors (such as which features of the original dialect the speaker identifies with the most/least), but have any empirical studies been done that say, for exampl e, lexicon changes most readily (to facilitate communication), morphology chang es almost as fast (since "incorrect" grammar is heavily stigmatized), and pronu nciation changes most slowly (since it doesn't often impede communication, and isn't stigmatized nearly as heavily as grammar)? Again: Does anyone have a re ference for such a discussion? Thanks in advance. --Tom Murray