Date: Tue, 23 Jan 1996 22:38:00 -0400 From: "E. Wayles Browne" Subject: Re: cheap folks > Did any other people grow up hearing the pronunciation > /chIn'-chi/ for the word "chintzy," meaning 'stingy', rather than > /chIn(t)-si/? > I'm not sure how to represent this without IPA, and I apologize for the > eye-dialect. I say it with the obvious assimlatory process of two > affricates and I swear I've heard other people say it that way. > Although I have now (since this event happened) gotten corrected for my > pronunciation! > > I know that "chintzy" is in Webster's, but I was curious > about how widespread the usage is. This was a very common word when > I was growing up in the northern part of rural Louisiana, but > others in my age cohort (mid thirties) don't seem to use it. I say chinchy. It means stingy. It's not the same as chintsy, which means low-quality, cheap (about things). I'm from New England, near Boston, born 1941. I always felt this was a New England word. However my father was originally from Shreveport, LA, and it is barely conceivable that I heard the word from him rather than from New Englanders. > > "tight as Dick's hatband" > "poor as Job's turkey" (which was always weird to me because > turkeys are New World animals) > "handy as a pocket on a shirt" Never heard any of these. > "sword of Damocles" (and don't anybody try and tell me *this* is > a quaint regionalism) > This is a frequent literary allusion. Wayles Browne, Assoc. Prof. of Linguistics Morrill Hall, Cornell University Ithaca, New York 14853, U.S.A. tel. 607-255-0712 (o), 607-273-3009 (h) fax 607-255-2044 (write FOR W. BROWNE) e-mail ewb2[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] (1989 to 1993 was: jn5j[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]cornella.bitnet // jn5j[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]