Date: Mon, 29 Jan 1996 21:46:01 -0700 From: Rudy Troike Subject: Re: whoop An intriguing question, and surprising to reflect on. I don't have the /hw/ : /w/ contrast [NB: it's never been /wh/ in history; that's spelling], so the delabialization is interesting to find alternating with the /w/: 1. war whoop: /huwp/ 2. whoop it up: /wUp/, perhaps varying with /wuwp/ 3. gave a whoop: /huwp/ & a holler 4. whooping cough: /huwp/ (I had it.) [NB2: Especially amongst them of us who are interested in comparing varieties, it is much more useful to adopt the /iy/, /ey/, /uw/, /ow/ representation of the nuclei (as happily, Akmajian, Demers, and Harnish do in their linguistics text from MIT, of all places). I can't imagine describing the Great Vowel Shift without it.] Tip-O-Tex Troike\\\\\ [rtroike[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]]