Date: Sun, 5 Jan 1997 20:32:21 -0700 From: William King Subject: Re: Soccer Moms On Sat, 4 Jan 1997, Barry A. Popik wrote: > "Soccer moms" is WOTY--it just came out on Reuters/AP... > How did "soccer moms" break out? I believe the phrase was used in a tv > commercial for a minivan--the Nissan Quest, or another model. Soccer as a sport for kids has been growing in popularity over the years. My nephew was in a league in Glens Falls, NY circa 1980. My son played in Phoenix a decade later. There the sport is enjoyed by children from a wide range of ethnic and economic backgrounds. That said, it is very popular with middle class types for a number of reasons. Boys and girls play. Equipment is cheap. Competitive and non-competitive leagues are available. While there ARE manic coaches, the injuries tend to be insignificant. Many practices take place around dinner time, often before Soccer Dad is home. Stereotypically, Soccer Mom is available to take the kids to practice, where she hangs out with the other Soccer Moms, screaming bloody murder at the kids to move the damn ball down the field. Since she is the one who deals personally with the school, supermarket, utilities, and municality, Soccer Mom is the one who has complaints or complements. Believe me, parents often have little in common in terms of religion, politics, or sense of what constitutes an edible lunch (gahhhh!). It's just a very accessible game that verges on Pop Warner on steroids for the fanatics and normal activity for others. It is immensely popular, involves interleague competition, and a good deal of travel for the more involved participants. Bill King