End of ADS-L Digest - 9 Jan 1997 to 10 Jan 1997 *********************************************** There are 2 messages totalling 76 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Job with ACLS 2. IPA to Internet? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 13:37:16 -0500 From: Allan Metcalf Subject: Job with ACLS The consortium of learned societies to which ADS belongs has a position available. It's a nice place to work, a small office at the top of the humanities and social sciences food chain. Here is what they sent me. - Allan Metcalf ------------------------------------------------ ACLS is looking for an education program officer. The position description is below. Note particularly . . . that the person will work closely with the education-related activities of the learned societies. Will you suggest to us anyone who might be good, or pass this along to them? We mean to move this search along quickly, but do want to find the right person. Many thanks. --Doug Bennett **************** Education Program Officer American Council of Learned Societies The American Council of Learned Societies seeks applications and nominations for a position as education program officer. This position will include responsibility for ACLS education programs and activities concerned with school-college collaborations, with curriculum innovation in the liberal arts and sciences, and with international education exchanges. The program officer will work closely with the education-related activities of the learned societies which are members of ACLS. We seek a person with a Ph.D. in the humanities or social sciences, a record of teaching and scholarship, some pertinent administrative experience, and broad interests in the world of scholarship beyond his/her own discipline. ACLS is the leading private organization devoted to research and teaching in the humanities and humanistic social sciences in the United States. It is composed of 58 learned societies in the humanities and humanistic social sciences representing more than 350,000 scholars and teachers throughout the United States and Canada. Among the current program foci of the Council are the internationalization of scholarship, liberal education (K-12 and higher education), and electronic scholarly publishing and communication. Review of applications will begin immediately. Applications (cover letter, c.v., and a list of references) should be addressed to Douglas Bennett, Vice President, American Council of Learned Societies, 16th floor, 228 East 45th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017-3398. ACLS is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.