Date: Sun, 4 Jan 1998 18:20:49 EST From: Bapopik Subject: Sundae; Sundowners; Median; Under the Influence; Two Cents; et al. SUNDAE I visited Asbury Park, New Jersey to settle this "sundae" thing once and for all. While in nearby Long Branch, I had spotted a 1903 advertisement for "DAY'S ICE CREAM GARDEN/ The Most Popular Resort for Ladies and Gentlemen on the Atlantic Coast/ 219 Asbury Avenue/ Next to Ocean Hotel." A 1900-01 BOYD'S DIRECTORY OF MONMOUTH COUNTY shows W. F. Day & Brothers (Wilbur F., Pennington M. and Waters B.), ice cream and caterers, 219 Asbury Avenue, Asbury Park and 48 Pitman Avenue, Ocean Grove. Day's would also expand to Newark and Morristown. I checked 1899-1904 for advertisements for "sundaes" at Day's. (It would be kind of a pun--sundae at Day's--you see.) Perhaps "sundae" originated in Wisconsin or Ithaca, New York--I just wanted an early article and/or advertisement related to Day's Ice Cream Garden. Through 1904, there were many, many ads for Day's, but no ad mentioned "sundae." Oh well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- SUNDOWNERS From Sundae to Sundowner (now historical). This phrase is in the DA from 1904 for this use. This is from the Asbury Park Daily Press, 13 January 1900, pg. 2, col. 3: QUEER LOT OF MEN. To Be Found in No Other American City But Washington. Those Familiar with Their Ways Call Them "Sundowners"--They Are Victims of Cowardice and Self-Indulgence. This is the story of "The Sundowner;" and it has never before been told. Probably no other city in the world--certainly no other city in this country--has such a goodly number of these people as can be found in our national capital. Scholars tell us that all discussion should be preceded by definition; and that many great debates have been caused by lack of understanding of terms on the part of those in dispute. Therefore, the learned men tell us, every term should be properly defined by a public speaker or writer, in order that the listener or reader may the better apprehend what is intended to be conveyed. Well, "a Sundowner" is a man who practices a profession in this city after the working hours of the day have passed away, and when men in the learned professions have laid aside their books, their papers, their clients and patients, and dismissed them from their minds. "A Sundowner goes to work when other men have ceased their daily labors and endeavors. "A Sundowner" is liable to work long after sundown; probably until midnight, or even later. It is because he practices his profession after sundown that he is called a Sundowner. These people work all day; that is, from nine o'clock in the morning until four o'clock in the afternoon. (...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- MEDIAN I had thought "median" was an ancient term, but it was popularized with the 1900 census. OED has the March 1900 _Boston Transcript_ citation, but doesn't give the date, nor page number. This is from the Asbury Park Daily Press, 15 March 1900, pg. 5, col. 4: "MEDIAN" IN THE CENSUS. New Word Coined to Supplant Average and Center. A new word seems destined to come into use with the census of 1900 and the discussions that will follow the interpretation of its results, says a Washington correspondent of the Boston Transcript. The word is "median." It ought to displace average and center for the greater number of ordinary consus uses, since the notion of "average" which most people have is really expressed by "median," while "average" means quite another thing. There is room in our terminology for both terms, just as we distinguish between plurality and majority to good advantage in discussing election returns. The average age of the population of the United States, for example, is 25 years; the median age is 21 years. The latter means the point at which there are as many people above as below. (...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- UNDER THE INFLUENCE The OED has an 1879 citation from Mark Twain; an 1866 citation is in parenthesis. The Asbury Park Journal, 20 January 1877, pg. 2, col. 2, has a story titled: A Monkey "Under the Influence." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- TWO CENTS The DA has a few items for "two cents." I'll put my two cents in with the Asbury Park Daily Press, 12 February 1900, pg. 4, col. 4: TAYLOR A MARKED MAN. So a Reporter Hears in Frankfort, Ky. "LIFE NOT WORTH TWO CENTS." (...) _Life Not Worth Two Cents._ Another lawyer said: "My personal opinion is that his life is not worth 2 cents. (...)" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- MAIN CHEESE RHHDAS has 1902-1903 George Ade for "main (or head) cheese." This is from the Asbury Park Daily Press, 11 November 1899, "Billy's Opinion of the Drama" by John Hazelden (who wrote various slang items using Billy), pg. 3, col. 3: The fellow that she wuz stuck on was the main cheese of the play. He was "it"--the real hero. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- HOT DOG In the same article, the Asbury Park Daily Press, 11 November 1899, pg. 3, col. 3: I like that kind of a show better than one of these society plays where a bunch o' swell geezers in dress suits come in an' put on a lot o' hot dog an' don't do nothin' but talk. About a week earlier, the Asbury Park Daily Press, 3 November 1899, pg. 3, col. 1, there is a drawing of a swell. The caption is "HOT GARMENTS." About a week later, the Asbury Park Daily Press, 17 November 1899, pg. 3, col 2: Whenever he thinks the's just as good as these mugs that wear high collars an' put on dog all he wants to do is to go up an' call on 'em some evening an' see how quick they'll rush him into the parlor an' take his hat--not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- FRANKFURTER From the Asbury Park Daily Press, 24 August 1899, pg. 3, col. 3: The Streets of New York It was lunchtime and the "frankfurter and roll" men of Frankfort street were doing their best to appease the appetites of the 200 or 300 newsboys who throng Park row. (...)--New York Commercial Advertiser. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- THE REAL DOUGHNUT In the same "Billy" article, the Asbury Park Daily Press, 11 November 1899, pg. 3, cols. 3-4: But they never fazed him. I think he must 'a' wore steel undercloze. But he evened up in the end, all right, all right. He got the girl an' the coin an' was set free with a nice clean shave an a button-hole banquet. He wuz the real doughnut, and no mistake. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- SHAKE DOWN O. K., the DA has June 1899. This "shake down" is also from the Asbury Park Daily Press, 3 November 1899, pg. 3, col. 2: I used to see him once in awhile, an' I knew they had him clean to the bad, an' so I wuzn't surprized when he tried to shake me down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- OREOS The headline (a score of a football game) in the Asbury Park Daily Press, 13 November 1899, pg. 1, col. 3 reads: OREOS 6, LONG BRANCH 0. A FIERCE CONTEST ON THE HOLLYWOOD GROUNDS. The Oreos were tough cookies, no doubt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- ALL-AMERICA College football is over. I have yet to trace the origin of All- America(n)--maybe I'll visit the Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio one of these days. Spalding football guides began in 1903, but collegiate football guides began in 1883. The All America teams probably started in the 1890s. This is from the Asbury Park Daily Press, Gossip of the Gridiron by E. G. Westlake, 24 November 1899, pg. 3, col 5: Who shall say that in the state of Wisconsin, where the loyalty of the people for the 'varsity at Madison is almost as great as that of Gen. Lawton to "Old Glory," Rodgers would not have been placed on everybody's "All- America" eleven? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- LITTLE WHIMPY Not to be left off from the study of "wimp" is this item from the St. Nicholas magazine, copied in the Asbury Park Journal, 10 February 1877, pg. 2, col. 5: LITTLE WHIMPY. Whimpy, little Whimpy, Cried so much one day, His grandma couldn't stand it, And his mother ran away; His sister climbed the hay-mow, His father went to town, And cook flew to the neighbor's In her shabby kitchen gown. Whimpy, little Whimpy, Stood out in the sun, And cried until the chickens And the ducks began to run; Old Towser in his kennel Growled in an angry tone, Then burst his chain, and Whimpy Was left there all alone. Whimpy, little Whimpy, Cried, and cried, and cried, Soon the sunlight vanished, Flowers began to hide; Birdies stopped their singing, Frogs began to croak, Darkness came, and Whimpy Found crying was no joke. Whimpy, little Whimpy, Never'll forget the day When grandma couldn't stand it, And his mother ran away. He was waiting by the window When they all came home to tea, And a gladder boy than Whimpy, You never need hope to see.