Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 13:05:19 -0500 From: Grant Barrett Subject: Infoglut synonyms? Does anyone have any synonyms for "infoglut"? I am putting together a tally of my regular reading and I need a word to describe it. Also, I need a word for a person who takes in all that information. I usually call myself an "infopig" but that suggests some kind of blissful pleasure involved with wallowing in all the information. Maybe "infoslave" would be better. Any suggestions? By the way, below is the list of my serious regular incoming information (so far). I used to have more, but I eliminated some lists and magazines that didn't have value. Also, the list does not include information sources that are primarily entertainment, press releases, junk mail, or when I find the New York Post in a cab (which, if you hear them tell it, is the only way most people ever read the Post). I am certain that my list is short compared to some subscribers to this list. Grant Barrett gbarrett[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] -- PRINT -- New York Times New Yorker New York Wired Harper's Weekly Village Voice New York Press Upside InternetWeek MacWeek Silicon Alley PCWeek Micro Publishing News New Media InformationWeek SunExpert Small Business Computing Print on Demand Solutions Network Computing Direct Marketing News Direct Marketing News International DRTV News Electronic Commerce World Computer Reseller News Integration Management Imaging Magazine Digital Production Executive MacWorld LanTimes Sales & Field Force Automation (just showed up in my mailbox yesterday. Free subscription. I'll send in the card and continue to get it until and stop if it proves to be useless, as some do). -- RADIO -- BBC (an hour each night either on WNYC at 11 p.m. or on shortwave any other evening hour on 5975 MHz, and also a little bit in the morning on 5965 or 9515 MHz) -- EMAIL -- InformationWeekDaily Wired Daily TidBits NetBits [AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]NY NUA Internet Survey NUA Modest Proposals Infobeat Financial Daily Macway Evangelist -- WEB -- Macintouch MacOSRumors OGrady's PowerBook Page MacCentral Macintosh Resource Page MacFixit VersionTracker