End of ADS-L Digest - 7 Jan 1998 to 8 Jan 1998 ********************************************** Subject: ADS-L Digest - 8 Jan 1998 to 9 Jan 1998 There are 9 messages totalling 404 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Kazoo 2. change of a ten (3) 3. Full Ivana 4. RE>Full Ivana 5. Fwd: Kenneth and Patricia Langen : Rules Grammar Change 6. RMMLA/ADS call for papers 7. asbestos...? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 04:31:10 EST From: Bapopik Subject: Kazoo Before you throw this stupid little thing out (the connection of New Year's and "zoo" is purely serendipitous), here are two items. The DICTIONARY OF AMERICANISMS has 31 October 1884 and states "origin obscure." This is from the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 26 September 1884, pg. 2, col. 3: A Republican editor in announcing the invention of a new musical instrument says it is called the "zazoo" because "it sounds like a zazoological garden when all the animals are howling." If this comparison is just we suppose the sessions of Mr. Clapp's assessment committee would remind the editor of somebody playing on the zazoo. This is from the Chicago Express, 4 September 1886, pg. 5, col. 6: Smith, the "Kazoo" Inventor. There is an enviable example of prosperity up in Union square. His name is Smith, and he is getting rich rapidly out of a big restaurant called the "Dairy Kitchen." It is conducted on the temperance plan, and a band of skillful musicians discourses good light music during the afternoon and evening. The place caught the tide of favor from the start. Smith made his money to establish the business in a curious way. He is an inventive genius, with a fondness for music. The latter element should have prevented his creating the masterpiece of his life, but it did not. Invention triumphed, and the result was the "kazoo," a musical monstrosity that sounds somewhat like the song of a petulant tom cat. Smith looked after its introduction to the world personally, and as he is expert in advertising resources, he suceeded almost beyond belief. He took his horror to Baltimore, and within a week the town was wild. The street boys were blowing kazoos; of course, that would be expected; but the hotel clerks, the dry goods clerks, the young men about town, and even the banjo-loving girls, took the craze, and the sound of kazoos rent the air. They organized kazoo bands, had kazoo excursions and kazoo dinner parties. It came near getting into politics, and might have if Smith had stayed another week, He made $11,000 clear within a year, and then settled down to be a caterer. Perhaps his conscience smote him, and perhaps the craze ran out. If the latter, the inventor wisely stood from under and escaped with his profits.--"Uncle Bill's" New York Letter. Kazoo web sites--none of which gives the etymology nor identifies "Smith"--include: http://www.streethockey.com/brimms/kazoo_his.html http://www.streethockey.com/brimms/kazoo_mus.html http://www.kazoobie.com/kazoofax.htm http://www.dartmouth.edu/~mbrewer/kazoo.html