Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 12:37:36 -0500 From: Grant Barrett Subject: Boustrophedon Here's an item from an email newsletter called "TidBits" that covers things Macintosh. This particular issue was devoted to the MacWorld conference in San Francisco: "Thanks to Mark Kriegsman for telling us that the word for our habit of starting at one end of a hall and systematically working our way up and down aisles so we don't miss much is 'boustrophedon.' Extra thanks to TidBITS Contributing Editor Matt Neuburg, (who was Adam's [Engst, I believe, editor of newsletter -GAB] Classics professor in a previous life) for explaining that the word comes from the Greek words 'bou,' meaning 'ox,' and 'strophe,' meaning 'to turn.' Grant Barrett gbarrett[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]