End of ADS-L Digest - 14 Jan 1998 to 15 Jan 1998 ************************************************ Subject: ADS-L Digest - 15 Jan 1998 to 16 Jan 1998 There are 10 messages totalling 353 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Please pardon the intrusion 2. WALL STREET: Super Bowl Index; January Effect; Dead Cat Bounce 3. Has-been (2) 4. for Boyd Davis 5. english novels 6. love that won't shut up 7. 8. la langue 9. "as best as I can remember" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 01:14:51 -0500 From: Reminder[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]PM01SM.PMM.MCI.NET Subject: Please pardon the intrusion I am not on the internet to burden you with unsolicited advertising and if I've offended you in any way, I do sincerely apologize. To be removed from this list, simply reply to this message with "Capitalist Pig!" in the subject field. My point is brief, in that I would like to aquaint you with a service that you've probably never heard of and, since you're in the United States, is available to you at very little cost. You might just throw away your calender for good once you see my website. Take a quick look at http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/supervisor/NRS1.html End Intrusion. Cordially, BCA