Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 22:47:57 -0500 From: Gregory {Greg} Downing Subject: Re: ADS-L Digest - 25 Jan 1998 to 26 Jan 1998 At 03:58 PM 1/28/98 -0500, you wrote: >On Wed, 28 Jan 1998, Steve Harper wrote: > >> Gee, what a nice reply. Is Greg always so warm and accomodating? > >Given the tone and content of the original message, I think Greg >showed considerable restraint. Thanks, Greg. > >Jeutonne Brewer > Well, I feel bad to say anything on a list ("in public") that could be construed as less than heartbleedingly mothertheresically generous, because from a couple of years' experience with a lot of lists, I well know that the truth is -- no matter what the situation or what leads up to a comment -- a certain percentage of folks will see only an attack and a victim, not a response to what in many of our cases must be hundreds of impossible list-transmitted unsub requests in this forum alone over the past couple of years. One usually ignores it, because that's the nicest and the laziest thing to do (always an alluring combo). But at a certain point one wonders what people could be thinking.... It's as if there's a big meeting in an auditorium and people are discussing things, and one after another individuals keep standing up and shouting out, "I forget where the door is and I have to leave now!!!!!" or "For God's sake, can't anyone tell me where the bathroom is?????", etc. Anyway, in my more jocular moments this is the allegory I construct to amuse myself.... Enough of this topic! Here's the URL for subscription commands again. When you get there follow the link to "ADS-L": Best to all, even clueless-would-be unsubbers, Greg Downing/NYU, at greg.downing[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] or downingg[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]