Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 12:28:08 -0400 From: Ron Butters Subject: Garcia (Marquez) Alan B.writes: *******. . . in Colombia, where Garcia Marquez hails from . . . the first surname is the patronymic and the the second is the matronymic and is frequently dropped. Gabriel's father's name was Garcia. I am relatively sure that this is the practice throughout the Spanish-speaking world, including Mexico, but I could be wrong.********* I'm sure you are right--and for Mexico as well. I knew that ONE of the names could be dropped--maybe I was mixing up Spanish and Russian? (Does anybody know about Russian?) And why, by the way, did Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe have such a complicated name? Anyway, thanks for the explanation--and thanks for being polite and gentle about it. I will file this in my memory blank.